Ekunyi says…

A song for Sekhmet and Her devotee, Ty.

Click here to listen to a demo of this song.


Seek Me in spaces between your heart and body
Feel blood that runs a course forever beating through your veins
I will be waiting beyond the drums you hear in searching
Silent but for the fall of crimson rain

Walk through the desert and know that the sun is watching
Shining above to guide you through the daily trials and pain
Endless horizons await if you can but dream them
Painted to life in crimson rain

Follow the Lady of Scarlet and Flame
She with hands that heal and claws that can maim
Destroyer and Comforter, one and the same
The fire that sustains us: Sekhmet is Her name

Lioness mother and guardian of Her fierce children
Those who would fight on and never be tamed
Sacred sphinx child, lion-souled if human-bodied
Your goddess calls you to fly through crimson rain

Follow the Lady of Scarlet and Flame
She with hands that heal and claws that can maim
Destroyer and Comforter, one and the same
The fire that sustains us: Sekhmet is Her name