235 is adim yfov ul. [one][two-hundred] [three][tens] [five]
I am: unhuri. You (singular) are: duhuri. You (plural) are: rhihuri. It is: kuh-huri. They are: fuhuri. (Optional answers: He is: kuhchuhuri. She is: kuh-amhuri.)
A tahori asking “how are you” is seeking to ascertain the purpose of the conversation, not the other person’s current mood or well-being. Correct response: “Unvykri.” (“I am lost.”) Incorrect response: “Untera.” (“I feel fine.”)
Unku dugodri Ty. [me] [you][name/label/call] Ty. This puts the other person first, what the other person does second, and then the speaker last.