Audio: Pronunciation


A = ah [caught]
E = ey [hay]
I = ee [beet]
O = oh [boat]
U = oo [loot]
Y = eye [white]

EH = eh [get]
IH = ih [bit]
UH = uh [guts]

In the case of EH, IH, and UH, the H is a part of the vowel and should not be considered separately.

AH is the same as A; OH is the same as A. Neither should be used.

Combinations of hard vowels (e.g. EU in [keusune]) are pronounced separately. Kay-oo-soo-nay. Vowels may be combined but are written with a hyphen between them.


Consonants used in Uhjayi include D, F (soft, somewhat like SH), G (hard, as in [guts]), H, J (hard, as in [judge]), K, L, M, N, R, S, T, V (soft, somewhat like FF), Y, Z.

B, P, and W are not used because they require lips to be spoken; C, Q, and X are not used because they are copies of the K or Z sounds.

In translation to the English alphabet, H is used as a softening modifier for many consonants and should be considered a part of that consonant.

CH = tch [chat]
DH = th [then]
JH = jh [deluge]
KH = kh – soft hacked sound, similar to the Hebrew H
RH = rrll – soft half-purred R, not rolled, halfway between L and R
SH = sh [shut]
TH = th [thing]

Some of the consonants are spectrum groups. For example, R – RH – L. RH is a sound midway between R and L. Similarly, V – F – SH – JH comprise a spectrum.