Ty says…

Ptah is a creator-god in Egyptian mythology, the only creator god to have brought the world into being with His thought (which the ancient Egyptians believed was held in the heart) and His voice. He is a god of craftsmen and one of the few gods to actually get His own hands dirty with solid work, rather than having servants or other gods do for Him.

This song can be sung while working, to resemble and so become Him. (The ancient Egyptians were big on stating that they themselves were the gods in order to invite that god’s characteristics into themselves and/or their lives/work.)


plan your work, ey o
work your plan
measure twice, ey o
cut once
build it up, ey o
make it strong
get it done, ey o

make my hands skilled like my father’s were
make my feet sure like my mother’s were
make my back strong like my father’s was
make my mind wise like my mother’s was

plan your work, ey o
work your plan
measure twice, ey o
cut once
build it up, ey o
make it strong
get it done, ey o

i will see my work inside my heart
i will call it out with my truest voice
i will step inside the world i create
i will craft within what i have made

plan your work, ey o
work your plan
measure twice, ey o
cut once
build it up, ey o
make it strong
get it done, ey o

make my hands skilled like my father’s were
make my feet sure like my mother’s were
make my back strong like my father’s was
make my mind wise like my mother’s was

plan your work, ey o
work your plan
measure twice, ey o
cut once
build it up, ey o
make it strong
get it done, ey o

i will see my work inside my heart
i will call it out with my truest voice
i will step inside the world i create
i will craft within what i have made

plan your work, ey o
work your plan
measure twice, ey o
cut once
build it up, ey o
make it strong
get it done, ey o